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Top 10 Real Estate Video Ideas for the Holidays

Jean Gilmore
Top 10 Real Estate Video Ideas for the Holidays

Potential buyers like to watch video clips of the listed properties so that they get a good idea about how spacious the property really is. They also get a glimpse of how the interiors have been designed and whether it is to their liking. A good video should be about 3 minutes long and should give the prospective buyers information about the home and the neighborhood. Real estate video marketing is effective only if the video is of good quality.

Real estate sales boom during the holidays, so if video marketing is done effectively it will result in quick sales. In the year 2021, 81% of marketers felt that videos had a direct and positive impact on sales. Almost 86% of them believed that videos were effective in generating leads. Moreover, 94% of them were convinced that videos helped the users understand their products and services.

It is a good idea to post the video on social networking platforms since video advertisements on social media receive 38% more engagement than photos. Popular social media platforms have more than 1 billion users. Given that the population of the world is more than 7.9 billion, it is possible to reach almost 57.6% of the world’s population through these platforms. Moreover, 50% of the users of the most popular photo and media sharing network follow at least one business that advertises on it. This social media helps more than 80% of the consumers decide whether or not to buy a product or a service advertised on it. Hence, real estate video marketing on social media is a must.

Given below are some ideas for real estate video marketing.

Make Guided Video Tours

Always make guided tour videos so that potential buyers can get a fair idea about the property. The guide can talk about the best features of the house and promote the property well. Such videos encourage the buyers to quickly get in touch with the seller. You should use a real estate video editor tool that gives a boost to your marketing campaign.

Stage Your House Well

It is important to stage your house well. You can engage the services of an interior decorator to spruce up the house or apartment you intend to sell. A beautifully done up home is sure to sell. It would also be a good idea to focus on holiday home decoration.

Mention Places of Interest and Public Transport

Buyers like to know about all the schools near, so it is a good idea to mention the list of schools in the neighborhood in your video. This will go a long way in helping people decide whether or not to buy a house or apartment. Mentioning the neighborhood hospitals is also important since people want to know if there are good hospitals near. There are some clients who rely on public transport. They would be keen on buying the property if there is good public transport available near the house, so do mention these in your video. Green spaces such as parks and playgrounds should also be showcased in the video so that people get a glimpse of what the neighborhood has to offer. Shops, malls, restaurants, cinema theatres, and other places of interest that are in the vicinity of the property can also be mentioned so that people know whether the neighborhood is developed or not.

Send Personalized E-Mails

You can send out personalized ‘Happy Holiday’ video e-mails to the people who have used your services in the past. This will keep your clients happy and will encourage them to refer your real estate agency to friends and family. 53% of the people prefer going with the same agent they have used in the past when they are looking for a new property. Moreover, 68% of the sellers who use a real estate agent find their seller because he was referred to their friends and family.

Make Client Testimonial Videos

Client testimonial videos should form an important part of your marketing campaign because prospective buyers want to hear the feedback of satisfied consumers so that they feel confident to go ahead and make a deal with the seller.

Post Your Video on Your Site

Post your video on your website and make sure the website is mobile-friendly since most people prefer browsing on their phone rather than using their laptop. Some social media platforms allow you to add links to your stories that help to drive traffic to your website.

Use the Local Language

It is important to use the local language while trying to market the video so that it is appreciated a wider audience in the local community. Subtitles can be given in English for people who are not comfortable with the local language.

Use Animation

You can use animation in the video to establish your brand. However, since clients want to see real images it is important to include those as well when you make real estate videos. You can use a real estate video editor to add information that gives the buyers an in-depth insight into the property in a single video.

Hold Contests

You can hold contests along with local companies to build goodwill among the people in the neighborhood. Giving freebies during the contest can help encourage people to participate in them. If you have the time, you can participate in community events to help build a good image among the local community. You can even promote your contests on social media platforms.

Share Statistics

Share statistics that are useful to the buyer in the video so that they know the best time to buy the property. This kind of information can help build goodwill among prospective buyers since most buyers don’t have the time to study trends in the property market that will tell them the best time to buy and sell the property.

Make a Music Video

You can even make a holiday music video to help your customers connect with your brand in the holiday season. You can get your staff to participate with you so that people get to know all the agents working at your real estate agency.

Go Live on Social Media

The option to go live is available on popular social networking sites. You can make live videos and encourage your audience to ask relevant questions. This gives prospective and past clients an opportunity to find out everything they need to know when it comes to buying and selling properties through your agency.


The above-mentioned tips if followed will definitely help the sellers sell homes in record time. You don’t have to be an expert to make good videos. You can always learn since there is a wealth of information available on the web.

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