The plethora of flooring options available in the market makes it hard to choose the best material that suits your style and fits your budget. If you want your floor area in your home or office to have a wooden or stone finish under a budget, laminate flooring is what you may consider for the same grace and appeal. Laminate flooring has taken the market storm, as with them, you can simulate any flooring design you have in mind without much cost and labour. These decorative laminate sheets look the same as wood or stone. Now, this blog will discuss what laminate flooring is and why it has to be top of the list while seeking a pocket-friendly and trendy flooring material.
What is Laminate Flooring?
Laminate flooring is a multi-layer synthetic flooring material fused with a lamination process. It replicates wood and stone with a photographic applique layer under a clear protective layer. Laminate flooring has gained immense popularity over the years, perhaps because it is more economical and easier to install and maintain than traditional flooring options, such as hardwood, granite, marble, stone, ceramics, etc. It is reasonably durable and hygienic and has many advantages over other alternative flooring materials.
The base is made up of a plywood or fibreboard core layer. In some cases, a backing layer is added to the bottom of this core layer for added durability and insulation. The core layer is glued on the top of the image layer, a printed, high-resolution image of wood, stone, or other materials.
On the top is a thin transparent layer that protects lower layers from any potential damage and scratches. These decorative laminate sheets provide a cost-effective way to achieve the classic look of wood or stone.
Costs and Installation
The cost of laminate sheets may vary from brand to brand, depending on the quality they claim. However, when compared to other alternative materials, they cost far less. As for installation costs, these decorative laminate sheets do not require you to break the bank as ceramic or stone flooring does. The easy and cost-effective installation makes these sheets the choicest material for every budget.
Maintenance and Care
Laminate flooring is easy to maintain. However, most sheets come with instructions from the manufacturer. Precautions and maintenance requirements may vary based on the material used in manufacturing them. To keep their shine intact, you can take the same precautions you would take for other floors: clean up spills and stains as early as possible, put down mats in high traffic areas, place pads to the bottom legs of furniture, and try to avoid activities that might scratch your floor.
Since laminate floors are water sensitive, avoid mopping and washing them daily unless you have waterproofed them. Stick to a once-a-month or every-other-month schedule. A scheduled damp moping would be sufficient to clean them. Remember that chemicals, oil, wax, polish, acidic cleaners, or abrasives can damage the surface. If it gets damaged, it cannot be refinished. Minor scratches can be fixed with wax, pencil, or repair putty.
Design Options
No matter what flooring design you have in mind, decorative laminate sheets can make it a reality. Laminate sheets use printed designs for their image layer, so it is possible to get a customized design for your flooring. These sheets can mimic the most traditional flooring types, colours, styles, and patterns. When talking about the most common finish, wood floors top the list. However, recently, stone and tile laminate finishes have also gained popularity.
Since laminate flooring is versatile and economical, you may choose a different type of design and colour in every room in your house. For example, the kitchen could have a ceramic finish, while the dining area and bedroom could have a classic oak appearance.
Installation and Lifespan
Laminate floors consist of interlocking planks that are laid on the existing sub-floor. They do not require any adhesive or nails, or staples to get installed. So, they are easy and quick to install. Time taken is far less than what traditional flooring, such as stone, wood, or ceramic, would.
It might take around a day to complete the plank-laying process, depending on the size of the room. However, if you have to prepare the sub-floor or any unexpected delay, such as damage in your purchased planks, occurs, you will need more time. Make sure you follow the instructions or safety guidelines provided the manufacturer when using power tools. For no convenience to happen, you may hire professionals to get your laminate sheets installed.
As for lifespan, they last between 15 and 25 years on average. However, the exact life will depend on the quality of the product and how you use and maintain it. In some cases, it lasts for 25 years, while in others; it does not even last for ten years.
Laminate Flooring Brand in India
There are countless laminate flooring brands in India. Not all offer the same quality laminate sheets; they specialize in certain types of laminates. Visit more than two online stores and brands for the best pick. Read the features, specifications, and instructions carefully. Compare prices, features, and quality before choosing a laminate flooring brand in India.