Adding Solar Panels to Your Home Can Increase Your Property Value
Before you install a residential solar system or a solar panel, you might think about whether these solar panels can improve the monetary value of your house. The answer is a yes, and many people around the world install solar panels to improve the value of their property.
In this guide, you will learn the ways solar panels can improve your house value and how your increased property value can affect taxes. You will also know why buyers are looking to purchase houses that have solar panels.
Investment Value
Investment value is the monetary value that is added the solar panels that increases the overall value of your house.
Studies show the following:
- For every 1KW of solar that you install, the value of your house can increase up to $6000.
- It is said that solar panels can add around 3 to 4% of value to your house; for instance, if the price of your property is worth $300,000, adding solar panels can increase value $9000 to $13000.
- Other than improved monetary value, houses that have solar panels sell faster than those without.
Factors Influencing How Solar Panels Add Value to Houses
Some of the top factors that can affect the value add of solar panels are:
- Geographic location- Different communities can experience different energy costs, but the greater the cost, the more value you get from the solar panels. It can also affect how much your home will be exposed to the sun.
- The local price of solar installation- Another factor is the cost of getting a new solar system in your area. If a potential buyer can save money purchasing a property that already has a solar panel installed, it can improve the monetary value of your house.
- System output- A larger system that generates more energy can provide better value.
- Age of the system- If your solar panel is old, you must account for depreciation. Older systems are not going to add much value to your property as there are chances that the new owner might not change the systems soon.
- Value of system replacement- If your system has aged, how difficult or expensive the parts of your system will be to replace may affect the overall value of your system.
Are Solar Panels the Right Choice for Your House?
To know how solar panels can affect your house, you must consider these factors:
- How much you spend on utility bills every month: If you live in an area where the electricity rate is high, your solar energy investment will be worth more.
- How much sunlight does your property receive throughout the year: Some properties are better suited for solar panel scintillations than others. If the location of your house is appropriate, you should look to install solar panels.
Final Words
Installing solar panels can not only improve the efficient use of energy but can also add to your home value. As it can help to reduce electricity costs, people will pay more towards a property that already has a solar panel installed. You can contact solar panel installers to install these systems in your house.