Material Design: Considerations When Choosing A Window

Material Design: Considerations When Choosing A Window

Windows are incredibly important to any home’s design, primarily since they affect the interior and exterior of the structure. If you need to cut costs, this is not the place to do it.

Whether you’re buying for a new home or a renovation project, you must choose a good, well-constructed window that will last you a long time. A quality window can cost more at the beginning, but you’ll save more down the line when you take into consideration the energy savings and the improvement to your home’s value.

If you are looking for window replacement in Salt Lake City, you want to get an energy-efficient window and will reduce the amount of heating into your home. An energy-efficient window helps stabilize the temperature of indoor spaces, lowering the amount of energy it takes to heat or cool your home.


Windows come in a wide variety of materials, each with its own properties, advantages, and drawbacks. Apart from aesthetic appeal, they also influence the window’s thermal properties, weight, thickness, and durability.

Wood is one of the most popular window materials. It has been used for hundreds of years and is relatively expensive. The right type of wood variety can enhance your home’s visual appeal, and the material can be molded into any size or shape you want. While they last a long time, it is susceptible to rot, insect and water damage, and peeling.

Another common window material is aluminum. It is light, durable, and can support a lot of weight. Best of all, it is considerably cheaper than other materials. However, its appearance limits the styles you can use it with and tends to promote condensation, one of the causes of a mold infestation.

Vinyl is one material that is increasingly becoming more material. It is effortless to maintain, practically lasts forever, and is resistant to water damage, insect infestations, and rot. It is also a lot cheaper than wooden windows. While the surface cannot be painted, you can order vinyl frames at basically any color imaginable.


While it seems like there hundreds or even thousands of combinations, windows can be boiled down to a few basic styles.

Two of the most common window styles are the single-hung window and the double-hung window. Both window styles feature two halves (also known as sashes) in one frame. But in a double-hung frame, both halves of the window can be slid up and down.

One similar style to the double-hung frame is the sliding window. It is a window that features two sashes but is laid horizontally on a track of metal or plastic and can be moved side to side.

Another common window style is the casement window. It has hinges, similar to a double-hung window, and opens to one side, allowing you to focus airflow into an interior space. There are also casement windows that open from the top using a crank.

The material and design are two of the essential aspects you need to consider when choosing a window. It all depends on your needs, the style of your home, and your budget. There are no right and wrong choices, but some windows are better than others.

Jean Gilmore

Jean Gilmore